Call us now +91 9626300448 for terrace waterproofing services for old roof and new terrace, ABC roof waterproofing care services are guaranteed and affordable with industry best waterproofing products specially designed by our roof waterproofing care expert Mr Ari Bhai, inventor of cost effective cool roof tiles and CEO of ABC Ceramic Services, ABC roof waterproofing care services provide 5 years guarantee for our waterproofing materials and roof weatherproof roofing services, it denotes the quality of our terrace waterproofing materials and weatherproof roofing materials and SRI cool roof coat will definitely reduce temperature by 7 to 12 degrees in your home, providing roof leakage solution with weathering tiles since 2005 in Chennai, India.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, We do not need to remove old tiles we clean well rectify damaged portion and apply one coat of bonding chemical. Then fix ABC cool tiles. Budget starts from 90 to 140 per sq ft.
Yes, We check for damages and rectify. Asses R value or insulation of terrace as per ECBC norms. Then finally fix ABC cool tiles. Budget stats from Rs 85 per sq ft onwards depends on additional work.
At AB Ceramic, we brig end-to-end expertise and can capably undertake any maintenance work on our existing installations or rectifications of previously damaged roofs and installations.
Usual maintenance for existing installations
In all cases, tiles have a better life than a coat.
Rectification projects are undertaken after a thorough examination and in all cases, there is no need to remove the existing damaged tiles. By using our design-patented tiles, proprietary bond products and skilled installation, we can bring magic to your roof!
Our main business is mfr and supply of ABC weather proof SRI tiles for terraces. Our tile design is registered in the Office of Controller General of patents, designs and trademarks. (252175). All other similar designs are duplicates. Newspaper ads are given and still duplicators are there. A positive sign for gradual elimination of pressed clay conventional terrace tiles.
We do pre and post tile fixing services.
Entire terrace work contract for new and old buildings can be done. R value suggestions as per IGBC / LEED norms, Insulative terraces etc. from concept to implementations.
Existing old and very old terraces:
Many terraces are fixed with clay tiles, after a few years, requires maintenance or rectification.
Problems/damages are mainly due to
We, at ABC Technical Services, can solve any kind of problems in terraces. Many house owners complaint through our web site that clay tiles are damaged and water leakages. Also complaint heat penetration in to building.
We rectified many terraces. How we rectify? Contact Us
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